
4 WordPress Plugins You Will Want on Your Podcast Site.

When you are looking at setting up a podcast for your business, there are plugins you will want to use for your WordPress site. Out of all of the different plugins that are in the WordPress Plugin repository there are 4 plugins that you will want to use.

So what is a WordPress Plugin?

In the Content Management System (CMS) of WordPress, you can expand the functionality of your site you can add many helpful options and extra’s to your CMS just by downloading and installing these “Plug ins” We are going to cover the four needed for a podcasting site.

  1. PowerPress – If there is only one plug in you can install on your site. Then you will need to install PowerPress. This plugin covers all the different options you are going to need for your show to work in iTunes. PowerPress allows for you to set your shows Title Show description, if you are wanting to and they can be different from your sites information. You can add and update your show’s artwork. It also provides a player for your listeners to be able to hear your show on their browser window. You are also tie your show to blubrry podcast statistics and get a good idea of how well your show is performing.
  2. WordPress SEO by Yoast – Though you want to write your podcast show notes for your audience not for Google. Yet, it doesn’t hurt to get things lined up for so that more people are able to find your site. This plugin helps you out with suggestions that allow for Google to look at your site favorably in a white hat manner. This way when there are changes to the Google algorithm you wont be hit with a penalty. There are several different options besides allowing for Bing webmaster tools, Google Webmaster tools, but also Pinterest verification, and Yandex Verification. WordPress SEO also allows for you to setup the social media Open Graph meta data. All this is will hep for people to find your site when they search.
  3. Akismet – When your site goes live it will only be a matter of time you start getting posts like
    The more time and attention you give to it, the more likely it is that you will have a litter box trained ferret.

    If you ever mishandle newts or salamanders they will do this
    as the response to being threatened. It comes in two forms: juvenile (usually found in ferrets under the age of 14 months) and classic, which is usually found in middle
    aged and older ferrets.

    Yep that is right you get the pleasure of reading spam like this so much so that eventually it get to be annoying and might even cause you to miss actual comments This is where Askismit comes into play. For free you can have some great blocking power with the use of this simple set it and forget it plug in

  4. Pretty Link Lite – Pop Quiz, Which is easier to remember? 4878&mt=4 or Most people will say that the second option is the better option that is what Pretty Link will do it create a second URL that is smaller and easier to retain by people who are listening to your podcast.

Premium WordPress Plugin

So what plugins do you like to use?

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Bryan Goodwin

Writer / Podcast Producer at The Relaxed Male
Bryan has ranged in fields from Podcasting to Social Media management. He finally found his true calling and passion for helping people by becoming a men's coach. Bryan helps men to find their passion by encouraging them to improve in their 4 Pillars for Men.

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